
Core Policy

  • 私たちは、産業デザイン・工業デザインを通し、
    We are a creative studio that, through industrial design and product design, fosters the creation of abundance by strongly connecting the identity of clients and projects with society.
  • Identity Development

    アイデンティティ の顕在化と具現化により、
    The creation of a cycle that strengthens the client itself through the manifestation and actualization of identity.
    We bring out and translate the uniqueness and expertise of our clients into symbolic forms. These become clear icons in society, communicating their specialization. Over time, this becomes a polished core, building trust and further strengthening the bond between the client and society.
  • Flagship Development

    Presenting and spreading expertise and uniqueness internally and externally through the creation of flagship products.
    By creating a flagship product that symbolically embodies the client's philosophy and expertise, the product and identity become iconic in society and among people. Simultaneously, it serves as a clear milestone for motivation and shared consciousness on the client's side. Starting from the creation of a strong flagship, the establishment of a more robust identity ripples through the entire lineup, including visuals, language, and the extension of philosophy to other products.
  • 0 to 10 Development

    プロダクトに留まらず、パッケージ、ネーミング、ロゴ、ビジュアル、テキストライティング、 国内外のエキシビションスペースに至るまで、ものが生まれてから届くまでに必要なクリエイションを提供します。顕在化されたアイデンティティを感覚的に感じるビジュアルや空間、作り手側や届ける側が共通の認識を持てるイメージや言葉、 手にとって伝わる環境など、作り手と人が強く結びつく道筋のデザインを創造します。
    Providing of a series of creations is necessary for the generated value to reach individuals and society.
    We provide the necessary creations from the birth of a product to its delivery, covering not only the product itself but also packaging, naming, logos, visuals, text writing, and exhibition spaces. We create designs that establish a strong connection between the client and the audience, including visuals and spaces where the manifested identity can be sensed, imagery and language enabling the sharing of values, and an environment where the product can be physically experienced, creating a pathway for a strong connection between the sender and the receiver.

Our contents

  • インダストリアルデザイン / プロダクトデザイン
  • 企業のアイデンティティ開発、および製品デザインによる具現化
  • フラッグシッププロダクトのデザイン開発
  • クリエイティブディレクション / アートディレクション
  • グラフィック制作、ロゴ、ネーミング、テキスト、
【 Work contents 】
  • Industrial Design / Product Design
  • Development of corporate identity and manifestation through product design
  • Design development of flagship products
  • Creative direction / Art direction
  • A series of designs related to branding, including graphic design, logo design, naming, text writing, and exhibition space.