上島 弘祥代表 / インダストリアルデザイナー
1979年生まれ。多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻卒業後、国内の大手家電メーカーのインハウスデザイナーを経て、ドイツへ渡り、現地デザインスタジオで大手グローバル企業のアイデンティティ 開発やプロダクトデザイン開発に従事。2015年に帰国し、東京にTIDSを設立。
Kosho UeshimaIndustrial designer
Born in 1979. After graduating from the Product Design Department of Tama Art University, worked as an in-house designer for a leading domestic electronics manufacturer. Later, moved to Germany and engaged in identity development and product design for major global corporations at a local design studio. Returned to Japan in 2015 and founded TIDS in Tokyo.
While working in the design field in Germany, gained insights into refining corporate identity and connecting with society, which influenced the direction of personal creativity. Offers creativity in various industrial domains related to people's lives, ranging from product design for major global companies to identity development, creative direction for domestic and international exhibition booths, installations for commercial spaces, and demonstration units for industrial equipment.

Point of view
デザイナーの手法や個性の表現ではなく、産業そのものの価値を社会に届ける媒体に徹し、その伝わる純度を高めるための役割を全うしたいという想いをTIDS (=THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN STUDIO) という名前に込めて、このスタジオをスタートさせました。 -
After working as an in-house designer for a major domestic company in Japan, I gained experience by moving to Germany and working in a local design studio. Having immersed myself in the industrial manufacturing of products such as cameras, automobiles, and home appliances in both Japan and Germany, I observed distinct characteristics in the product lifecycle and design philosophies of the two countries. In Japan, products with changing functions and specifications are created almost every year, only to disappear in the following year. On the other hand, in Germany, products such as cameras, cars, and washing machines serve the same functions and purposes as their Japanese counterparts, yet they become globally recognized icons. I often wondered about the unique ability to create products that immediately evoke associations of excellence—whether it's a camera, a car, or a washing machine—and contemplated this during my time as a product designer in Germany.
Working on branding development and product development for various major clients, I noticed a focus on refining identity at the core of German industry. They define their corporate identity, origins, and current objectives, honing their uniqueness and expertise while adapting to the times. This identity is manifested as iconic expressions through products, allowing communication with society and people. Due to their refined expertise, people trust and expect their products, desiring to own something of higher quality.
I believe that product design is a profession that can manifest the invisible identity of the producer and communicate it to society. Instead of showcasing the designer's methods and personal expressions, it should serve as a medium to deliver the inherent value of the industry to society, enhancing the purity of its communication. With these aspirations, I named this studio TIDS (THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN STUDIO) and launched it to fulfill the role of delivering the values of the industrial world to society.